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浏览次数:369  2013年 长崎大学大学院 歯薬学総合研究科 热带医学専攻
 招生类型  日本大学院学习    
 更新日期  2013-04-08  有效期至  长期有效

1. Essential Information
1-1 Background
Since the late twentieth century, we have renewed our recognition of the threat incurred
by many emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases that often originate in tropical
and developing countries. The speed at which these infectious diseases spread from one
country to another has been accelerating due to ever-expanding economic activities and
international travel. This recognition has brought tropical medicine, the field of
medicine with which we address these issues, back into the limelight.
The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Nagasaki University is the only school
in Japan that offers a PhD course in emerging infectious diseases and tropical medicine.
Within this graduate school, the Institute of Tropical Medicine has played a central role
in medical research in the tropics and provided human resources for disease control
programs abroad for nearly seventy years.
In April 2006, the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Nagasaki University
launched the Master of Tropical Medicine course with the aim of (1) equipping medical
doctors with practical knowledge and problem-solving skills that are directly relevant to
clinical practice in the tropics, and (2) contributing to global efforts to reduce the impact
of tropical and infectious diseases.
1-2 Admission requirements
This course aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn a broad range of
skills and knowledge relevant to practicing medicine, formulating disease control
programs, and conducting medical research in tropical and developing countries. It also
aims to provide students with the ability to solve practical problems they are likely to
encounter in the tropics by applying the principles and methods of epidemiology and
state-of-the-art molecular medicine.
This program attracts students from a variety of countries and cultural backgrounds.
Nagasaki University fosters an atmosphere of collaborative learning through discussion
and group work across national and cultural boundaries.

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学校特色: 把教育和研究两方面争创世界一流作为目标,推进战略性教育研究计划,谋求教育与研究的进一步高度化与个性化。在「学生顾客主义」的标语下,充实基础教育、学部专业教育、大学院教育以提供最高水平的教育,同时在入学选拔、课外活动、就职等涉及学生生活的各方面进一步强化支援体制。 进行知识产权的适当管理,通过灵活运作知识产权与人、物资源的地域联合、产学官联合、国际性联合,推进教育与研究成果回归社会。 
历史沿革: 长崎大学前身始于1857年荷兰海军军医Pompe von Meerdervoort开办的医学传习所。1901年设立长崎医学专门学校,1923年成为长崎医科大学的同时,县立长崎医院被国家托付给长崎医科大学而成为了它的附属医院。另外,与医科大学同时设立的还有附属医学专门部以及附属药学专门部,此外,还开设了附属医院妇产护士培训所。
毕业名人: 冨岡勉、田浦直、大久保潔重、柳田桃太郎、押渕礼子、久保勘一、渡辺純忠、福地茂雄、上釜健宏、土井定包、松原與三松、永田敬生、三宮吾郎、石田健、若杉末雪、内多蔵人、早瀬鎮雄、伊藤清敏、井村健輔、藤本耕士、永井隆、桑原哲也、石原結實、草場道輝、青来有一、山下和仁、原仙作、椛島有三、山本順二 

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